
I changed my font at

terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

our bestest friends

These are two of our best friends Andreza and Tiago. It is incredible, Andreza and Vagner are exactly alike they could be brother and sister and Tiago and I are exactly alike too . It is so funny because we always know what Vagner and Andreza are thinking and the same with me and Tiago. (Pay attention to who are the clowns....hmmm) Andreza and Tiago have two cute little girls and are finally awaiting their little boy who is due in June. They are more than friends, they are our family. Everyone knows that we are a package deal, if someone invites us to something they know that Tiago and Andreza come along with us and vise versa. As you can see, we have so much fun together! It's always a party!!!

3 comentários:

Brooke and Darin disse...

I always knew Vagner was a clown!

Wendy Pippin disse...

A BLOG HORRAY!!! It was so great to see you. You look just beautiful and so happy and that makes me happy. You better be home in time to hold my's kinda like a did it with the first one, now you'll have to do it with the 2nd one.

~adelle disse...

Hay, its Adelle (cord's wife!) Just found your blog. SO happy to see you guys and see what you are up to. What a fun life and adventure you are on. :) I am sure I will be checking in on ya.